Becoming the Pastor's Wife is coming.....
I'm sure you've noticed the uptick in content lately so let me tell you why

I can’t tell you how ready I am for this next book to be out there. It is the product of a solid year and half of research into more than 130 books written for/by pastors’ wives, a deep dive into ordination practices in the early and medieval church, as well as 5 archival trips. Pray for me as I madly dash to the finish line. We need this book, y’all. You need to know what I have found.
In the meantime, I am gearing up for book launch time. While I am committed to not paywalling my writing, which means I respect the vast majority of you who are not paid subscribers (seriously—budgets are too tight for me to paywall writing), I am also going to slightly privilege paid subscribers (as I am very appreciative of them). So this is the plan.
Very soon, Brazos and I will be making a preview announcement of the book. This will be video and available to everyone. It will encourage folk to sign up for Marginalia as this substack will be my first-line of communication about Becoming the Pastor’s Wife.
After that, news will be coming pretty quickly. We will announce the full title and do a cover reveal. It will take place here first, and follow on social media. I will also be releasing some book previews—these will go first to paid subscribers (including behind the scenes material), but then out to my full list.
Marginalia will be the hub for signing up for the book launch. I will offer it first out to the paid subscriber list, and then out to the entire substack. It will not be released to social media in general until after you have had a chance to sign up (there will be limited spots). The book launch team for The Making of Biblical Womanhood was simply amazing—I can’t wait to do it again. As you know, the book launch team gets an early version of Becoming the Pastor’s Wife as well as participation in a virtual reading group with me (not to mention other perks, like maybe we will bring back the stickers?).
We’ve already lined up several podcasts, including one project that I can’t wait to share with you about.
Get ready, y’all.
Becoming the Pastor’s Wife is getting closer and closer.
And Marginalia will be home base for news.
I’m looking forward to it!