I appreciate your even-handed, clear take. I have taught English and Writing for years, though not at a Christian college. Still, this kind of action, and its inconsistency with Moore's overall glowing reviews, is chilling.

Funny (not funny) how some on the right bemoan "cancel culture" only to heartlessly and irresponsibly apply those very tactics.

(I acknowledge that "cancel culture" is sometimes real, though often only perceived; and sometimes just, and other times unjust. My point is simply that I've heard *so* much hand-wringing about it from the right, and yet this seems to be the worst kind of cancel culture: not whole swaths of a "culture" refusing to platform (or ignoring the platform of) a single person, often someone in a position of wealth and/or power, but rather of an individual (or small group of individuals) taking away the well-earned post and livelihood of a professional who has been doing objectively good work. Just, yikes.)

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Yikes indeed! The accuser is the guilty party it seems these days.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Beth Allison Barr

Of course, the irony of the allegation of Moore’s lack of balance and focus on Tisby is that she didn’t assign Tisby’s book — she just put a quote from Tisby as an epigraph to a syllabus.

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Nice clear exposition. Thank you for writing it.

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Wowzers. I appreciate this entry. Sure looks very suspect. I hope she can be reinstated and it not come to a lawsuit, but we shall see.

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